I was viewing various blogs earlier this evening, just browsing one crafting blog and following links to another etc, and I came across a blog called 'A little Card by Me'. She had the most fab idea.
Starting in January, on the 25th day of each month (Rudolph Day) you make 5 Christmas cards. All going well and according to plan, by 25th November you will have made 55 Christmas cards!!! Sorted!
I am definitely going to do this as it's always such a mad rush to make sure that everyone of my friends gets one and those that don't (and get shop bought ones) are usually extremely disappointed. Anyway, I thought I'd share that with you as it seemed like such a good idea. From tomorrow... 5 christmas cards will be made. Promise! In fact, I'll make six for the next five months so that I can catch up with those I missed in January. We'll see how long this little fad lasts shall we...?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Warmer Weather
I can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit (if not a lot), it's been really nice having the sunshine in the garden but I wish it was warm enough to open the back door and let the fresh air in like I did during the school half term, it was so lovely to have a warm breeze flowing through the place.
This time last year we were having exceptionally warm weather...what's happened??? All my flowers are out in bloom in the garden but it still doesn't feel warm enough to leave the house coatless. Am I asking too much for February, or was I just incredibly spoilt last year???
Roll on heat...I'm freeeeeeezing!
This time last year we were having exceptionally warm weather...what's happened??? All my flowers are out in bloom in the garden but it still doesn't feel warm enough to leave the house coatless. Am I asking too much for February, or was I just incredibly spoilt last year???
Roll on heat...I'm freeeeeeezing!
Race for Life
Thanks to everyone who has showed their support for Lianne, she really is very grateful. She is still training and has been running with Sarah and her brother as often as she can. Even when she played Netball after school on Wednesday she did a few extra laps of the school field. She's really into it and hopefully it will keep her fit too.
Spring is in the air...
Uplifting Occasion
Close Up...
Thanks a Latte
Best Friends Forever
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Race for Life

I nearly cried when she asked me if she could do it as it was something she felt quite strongly about. I'll take loads of pictures and post them when the race is over to let you know how she did. If anyone would like to sponsor her...no matter how great or small the amount, please email me at moonstone1405@hotmail.com, hopefully between them, Lianne, her cousin Sarah and her auntie Dianne will make a difference to someone's quality of life. Good luck girls... xxx
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Lovely Lilac
Up close and personal
Red, White and Blue...
Blue ribbons are threaded through the white card. Glitter is added to the parcel and the hat.
I'll add a close up in a little while so that you can see it from a different angle. Hope you like it.
Allocation Day
Allocation Day is 3rd March 2008. This is when Lianne finds out if she is to get the Secondary School of her choice or not. She wanted me to thank you all for your kind comments and to let you know that as soon as we know...you'll know.
She's terribly worried that she won't get offered any of her three choices (although she only really wants choice one or two). Most of last years Year 6 students from her school, didn't get any of their choices as all the local schools were all so over-subscribed, which is why I think she is so worried. I'm trying to be as calm about it as possible so that she doesn't get freaked out by my worrying. I applied for her schools online so we will be given an email at some point during that day to let us know which school she's got, therefore I will find out before she does as I will check my emails before going to collect her from school. At least then I will have a bit of time to compose myself correctly and be prepared for if she is likely to be disappointed OR, congratulate her and take her and Lewis out for a treat to celebrate! Fingers crossed it's the latter. xxx
She's terribly worried that she won't get offered any of her three choices (although she only really wants choice one or two). Most of last years Year 6 students from her school, didn't get any of their choices as all the local schools were all so over-subscribed, which is why I think she is so worried. I'm trying to be as calm about it as possible so that she doesn't get freaked out by my worrying. I applied for her schools online so we will be given an email at some point during that day to let us know which school she's got, therefore I will find out before she does as I will check my emails before going to collect her from school. At least then I will have a bit of time to compose myself correctly and be prepared for if she is likely to be disappointed OR, congratulate her and take her and Lewis out for a treat to celebrate! Fingers crossed it's the latter. xxx
Monday, February 18, 2008
Rose Bud (Flower Fairies)
Please Note: A new picture (taken in natural light) has since been added (19 February 2008)
Chocolate Berries
I then added the stamped image with some ribbon and then added the scalloped cut out (kindly given to me by Sarn - what a fab colour match, don't you think Sarn???)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
On top of things...
She's also a Bella but I'm not sure which one (again courtesy of my good friend). I added the adhesive pearls, in the form of three and then added the flower and the giant S which again I made myself using the same background paper and then mounted onto silver metallic card. Don't faint Sarn, no ribbons!
Her name is Ella Grace and I was going to do a giant 'EG' but then I thought it might be too much so I kept it simple and just put her name on it.
The stamp is by Stampabilities, House-Mouse and is called 'Donut Bliss' Muzzy. Usually I would add a clear gloss to the glaze on the doughnut but I've run out, although I don't think a three year old would appreciate it anyway.
Happy Birthday Ella Grace.
Friday, February 15, 2008
S is for Suzy...
Cut out the letters by hand and matched them to the background card used to mount the stamped image. Cardstock is black and so is the flower. The funky ribbon was bought on the internet and the brads were purchased at AP.
Stamped image is a Bella. Don't know which one as friend stamped a load and posted them to me.
H is for Hannah...
Say it with flowers...
Cat Nap
This is one I made yesterday...
Again, Penny Black, 'Life of the Party', colour co-ordinated to match the background paper. Mounted onto green card and added corners to add a little something different. Added two coloured ribbons also to co-ordinate and added 'three' adhesive pearls. Wording is by Anita's Peel Offs, I really like these, in shiny silver and added the PaperMania flower as before.
Not bad for a bloke's card. Note I used orange again! What a lovely 'spring' colour. I like blue, orange and green together, I didn't think it would work until I put it all together, but I am quite pleased with the result! Hope Mark will like it???
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Dead Call
I'm reading this book of short Ghost Stories at the moment. I read this one last night and thought I would share it with you as it scared the pants of off me and that's saying something when I read and watch every horror book/film going. This one is called Dead Call by William F. Nolan. I hope he won't mind me sharing it with you, it was just too good not to.
Len had been dead for a month when the telephone rang. Midnight. Cold in the house and me dragged up from sleep to answer the call. Helen gone for the weekend. Me, alone in the house. And the phone ringing... 'Hello.' 'Hello, Frank.' 'Who is this?' 'You know me. It's Len...Len Stiles.' Cold. Deep and intense. The receiver dead-cold metal in my hand. 'Leonard Stiles died four weeks ago.' 'Four weeks, three days, two hours and twenty-seven minutes ago - to be exact.' 'I want to know who you are!' A chuckle. The same dry chuckle I'd heard so many times. 'C'mon ole buddy - after twenty years. Hell, you know me.' 'This is a damned poor joke!' 'No joke, Frank. You're there, alive. And I'm here, dead. And you know something, ole buddy? I'm really glad I did it.' 'Did...what?' 'Killed myself. Because...death is just what I hoped it would be: beautiful...grey...quiet. No pressures.' 'Len Stiles' death was an accident...a concrete freeway barrier...His car-' 'I aimed my car for that barrier. Pedal to the floor. Doing almost a hundred when I hit...No accident, Frank.' The voice cold...Cold. 'I wanted to be dead...and no regrets.' I tried to laugh, make light of this - matching his chuckle with my own. 'Dead men don't use telephones.' 'I'm not really using a phone, not in a physical sense. It's just that I chose to contact you this way. You might say it's a matter of psychic electricity. As a detatched spirit, I'm able to align my cosmic vibrations to match the vibrations of this power line. Simple, really.' 'Sure. A snap. Nothing to it.' 'Naturally you're sceptical. I expected you to be. but... listen carefully to be, Frank.' And I listened - with the phone gripped in my hand in that cold night house - as the voice told me things that only Len could know...intimate details of shared experiences extending back through two decades. And when he'd finished I was certain of one thing: He was Len Stiles. 'But how...I still don't...' 'Think of this phone as a medium - a line of force through which I can bridge the gap between us.' The dry chuckle again. 'Hell, you gotta admit it beats holding hands around a table in the dark - yet the principle in the same.'
I'd been standing on my desk, transfixed by the voice. Now I moved behind the desk, sat down, trying to absorb this dark miracle. My muscles were wire-taut, my fingers cramped about the metal receiver. I dragged in a slow breath, the night dampness of the room pressing at me. 'All right...I don't believe in ghosts, don't pretend to understand any of this, but...I'll accept it. I must accept it.' 'I'm glad, Frank - because it's important that we talk.' A long moment of hesitation. Then the voice, lower now, softer. 'I know how lousy things have been, ole buddy.' 'What do you mean?' 'I just know how things are going for you. And...I want to help. As your friend. I want you to know that I understand.' 'Well, I'm really not -' 'You've been feeling bad haven't you? Kind of down...right?' 'Yeah. A little, I guess.' 'And I don't blame you. You've got reasons. Lots of reasons...For one, there's your money problem.' 'I'm expecting a raise. Cooney promised me one - within the next few weeks.' 'You won't get it, Frank. I know. He's lying to you. Right now, at this moment, he's looking for a man to replace you at the company. Cooney's planning to fire you.' 'He never liked me. We never got along from the day I walked into that office.' 'And your wife...All the arguements you've been having with her lately...It's a pattern, Frank. Your marriage is all over. Helen's going to ask you for a divorce. She's in love with another man.' 'Who, dammit? What's his name?' 'You don't know him. Wouldn't change things if you did. There's nothing you can do about it now. Helen just...doesn't love you anymore. These things happen to people.' 'We've been drifting apart for the last year...But I didn't know why. I had no idea that she -' 'And then there's Jan. She's back on it, Frank. Only it's worse now. A lot worse.' I knew what he meant - and the coldness raked along my body. Jan was nineteen, my oldest daughter, and she'd been into drugs for the past three years. But she'd promised to quit. 'What do you know about Jan? Tell me' 'She's into the heavy stuff, Frank. She's hooked bad. It's too late for her.' 'What the hell are you saying?' 'I'm saying she's lost to you...She's rejected you, and there's no reaching her. She hates you...Blames you for everything!' 'I won't accept that kind of blame! I did my best for her.' 'It wasn't enough, Frank. We both know that. You'll never see Jan again.' The blackness was welling within me, a choking wave through my body. 'Listen to me, ole buddy...things are going to get worse, not better. I know. I went through my own kind of hell when I was alive.' 'I'll...start over. Leave the city. Go East, work with my brother in New York.' 'Your brother doesn't want you in his life. You'd be an intruder...an alien. He never writes you, does he?' 'No, but that doesn't mean -' 'Not even a card at Christmas. No letters or calls. He doesn't want you with him, Frank, believe me.' And then he began to tell me other things. He began to talk about middle age, and how it was too late to make any kind of new beginning. He spoke of disease...loneliness...of rejection and despair. And the blackness was complete. 'There's only one real solution to things, Frank - just one. That gun you keep in your desk upstairs. Use it, Frank. Use the gun.' 'I couldn't do that.' 'But why not? What other choice have you got? The solution is there. Go upstairs and use the gun. I'll be waiting for you afterwards. You won't be alone. It'll be just like the old days... We'll be together...death is beautiful...Use the gun, Frank...The gun...Use the gun...The gun...The gun...'
I've been dead for a month now, and Len was right. It's fine here. No pressures. No worries. Grey and quiet and beautiful... I know how lousy things have been going for you. And they won't get any better. Isn't that your phone ringing? Better answer it. It's important that we talk...
Night, Night Peeps. Sweet dreams. And...don't answer the phone!!!!
Len had been dead for a month when the telephone rang. Midnight. Cold in the house and me dragged up from sleep to answer the call. Helen gone for the weekend. Me, alone in the house. And the phone ringing... 'Hello.' 'Hello, Frank.' 'Who is this?' 'You know me. It's Len...Len Stiles.' Cold. Deep and intense. The receiver dead-cold metal in my hand. 'Leonard Stiles died four weeks ago.' 'Four weeks, three days, two hours and twenty-seven minutes ago - to be exact.' 'I want to know who you are!' A chuckle. The same dry chuckle I'd heard so many times. 'C'mon ole buddy - after twenty years. Hell, you know me.' 'This is a damned poor joke!' 'No joke, Frank. You're there, alive. And I'm here, dead. And you know something, ole buddy? I'm really glad I did it.' 'Did...what?' 'Killed myself. Because...death is just what I hoped it would be: beautiful...grey...quiet. No pressures.' 'Len Stiles' death was an accident...a concrete freeway barrier...His car-' 'I aimed my car for that barrier. Pedal to the floor. Doing almost a hundred when I hit...No accident, Frank.' The voice cold...Cold. 'I wanted to be dead...and no regrets.' I tried to laugh, make light of this - matching his chuckle with my own. 'Dead men don't use telephones.' 'I'm not really using a phone, not in a physical sense. It's just that I chose to contact you this way. You might say it's a matter of psychic electricity. As a detatched spirit, I'm able to align my cosmic vibrations to match the vibrations of this power line. Simple, really.' 'Sure. A snap. Nothing to it.' 'Naturally you're sceptical. I expected you to be. but... listen carefully to be, Frank.' And I listened - with the phone gripped in my hand in that cold night house - as the voice told me things that only Len could know...intimate details of shared experiences extending back through two decades. And when he'd finished I was certain of one thing: He was Len Stiles. 'But how...I still don't...' 'Think of this phone as a medium - a line of force through which I can bridge the gap between us.' The dry chuckle again. 'Hell, you gotta admit it beats holding hands around a table in the dark - yet the principle in the same.'
I'd been standing on my desk, transfixed by the voice. Now I moved behind the desk, sat down, trying to absorb this dark miracle. My muscles were wire-taut, my fingers cramped about the metal receiver. I dragged in a slow breath, the night dampness of the room pressing at me. 'All right...I don't believe in ghosts, don't pretend to understand any of this, but...I'll accept it. I must accept it.' 'I'm glad, Frank - because it's important that we talk.' A long moment of hesitation. Then the voice, lower now, softer. 'I know how lousy things have been, ole buddy.' 'What do you mean?' 'I just know how things are going for you. And...I want to help. As your friend. I want you to know that I understand.' 'Well, I'm really not -' 'You've been feeling bad haven't you? Kind of down...right?' 'Yeah. A little, I guess.' 'And I don't blame you. You've got reasons. Lots of reasons...For one, there's your money problem.' 'I'm expecting a raise. Cooney promised me one - within the next few weeks.' 'You won't get it, Frank. I know. He's lying to you. Right now, at this moment, he's looking for a man to replace you at the company. Cooney's planning to fire you.' 'He never liked me. We never got along from the day I walked into that office.' 'And your wife...All the arguements you've been having with her lately...It's a pattern, Frank. Your marriage is all over. Helen's going to ask you for a divorce. She's in love with another man.' 'Who, dammit? What's his name?' 'You don't know him. Wouldn't change things if you did. There's nothing you can do about it now. Helen just...doesn't love you anymore. These things happen to people.' 'We've been drifting apart for the last year...But I didn't know why. I had no idea that she -' 'And then there's Jan. She's back on it, Frank. Only it's worse now. A lot worse.' I knew what he meant - and the coldness raked along my body. Jan was nineteen, my oldest daughter, and she'd been into drugs for the past three years. But she'd promised to quit. 'What do you know about Jan? Tell me' 'She's into the heavy stuff, Frank. She's hooked bad. It's too late for her.' 'What the hell are you saying?' 'I'm saying she's lost to you...She's rejected you, and there's no reaching her. She hates you...Blames you for everything!' 'I won't accept that kind of blame! I did my best for her.' 'It wasn't enough, Frank. We both know that. You'll never see Jan again.' The blackness was welling within me, a choking wave through my body. 'Listen to me, ole buddy...things are going to get worse, not better. I know. I went through my own kind of hell when I was alive.' 'I'll...start over. Leave the city. Go East, work with my brother in New York.' 'Your brother doesn't want you in his life. You'd be an intruder...an alien. He never writes you, does he?' 'No, but that doesn't mean -' 'Not even a card at Christmas. No letters or calls. He doesn't want you with him, Frank, believe me.' And then he began to tell me other things. He began to talk about middle age, and how it was too late to make any kind of new beginning. He spoke of disease...loneliness...of rejection and despair. And the blackness was complete. 'There's only one real solution to things, Frank - just one. That gun you keep in your desk upstairs. Use it, Frank. Use the gun.' 'I couldn't do that.' 'But why not? What other choice have you got? The solution is there. Go upstairs and use the gun. I'll be waiting for you afterwards. You won't be alone. It'll be just like the old days... We'll be together...death is beautiful...Use the gun, Frank...The gun...Use the gun...The gun...The gun...'
I've been dead for a month now, and Len was right. It's fine here. No pressures. No worries. Grey and quiet and beautiful... I know how lousy things have been going for you. And they won't get any better. Isn't that your phone ringing? Better answer it. It's important that we talk...
Night, Night Peeps. Sweet dreams. And...don't answer the phone!!!!
General Chat...
Ah how sweet, Lianne's 'friend' just telephoned to wish her a Happy Valentine's Day and to ask if he could take her to the Cinema on Saturday, she's dead excited.
We've had a busy week so far... Me and the children have cleaned the car, raked all the dead leaves out of the garden and out of the flower beds, which I might add are looking lovely as all the snowdrops and crocuses are coming through. I even have some daffodils out there.
We've been shopping today, which was lovely, as we went in the middle of the day and it was practically empty. Bumped into loads of people we knew though, so it took a bit longer than normal as we had to stop and chat to them. We even bumped into a friend of my sister in law, Sherree, who said that she had only just finished watching a re-run of TAKE YOUR PICK and that it was the one that me and Steve were on about 16 years ago!!! We opened box number 7 and won a Fiat Panda!!!!
Tomorrow I'm stripping all the beds and doing all my washing in time for Monday when we all go back to work and School. Hopefully I can get a nice quiet weekend then. More time for crafting!!!
We've had a busy week so far... Me and the children have cleaned the car, raked all the dead leaves out of the garden and out of the flower beds, which I might add are looking lovely as all the snowdrops and crocuses are coming through. I even have some daffodils out there.
We've been shopping today, which was lovely, as we went in the middle of the day and it was practically empty. Bumped into loads of people we knew though, so it took a bit longer than normal as we had to stop and chat to them. We even bumped into a friend of my sister in law, Sherree, who said that she had only just finished watching a re-run of TAKE YOUR PICK and that it was the one that me and Steve were on about 16 years ago!!! We opened box number 7 and won a Fiat Panda!!!!
Tomorrow I'm stripping all the beds and doing all my washing in time for Monday when we all go back to work and School. Hopefully I can get a nice quiet weekend then. More time for crafting!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
It Moose Be Love
The moose stamp is from Whipper Snapper, mounted onto red metallic card and then mounted onto a brown strip of leftover cardstock then stuck to the red cardstock base. Flowers, again are from PaperMania (told you I went a bit mad buying stuff yesterday Sarn!) mounted to the card with mini silver brads. Coloured with pencils and added the silver lettering to personalise.
Missing You
Moo's Be Love Too
Monday, February 11, 2008
Archive 2006
Stupid Cupid...
Every year at work,we do a Secret Santa, where everyone puts their name on a piece of paper and then we all put them in a box. One week before school breaks up we each take a name out of the box and buy that person a nice (and appropriate) present, so we have to do a bit of a background check to find out what that person likes.
Every day last week we had Secret Cupid Week. Same principle, we filled in a quick questionnaire about our likes etc, what would you take with you on a deserted island, what's your fave colour, chocolate, music, perfume etc and then put them in a box. We each then picked one and had to leave little treats for our Secret Cupid in their pigeonholes or on their desks each day.
I got some bubble bath from the Sanctuary, some red carnations, chocolates, a bar of fruit and nut, the Footprints poem, a picture of Captain Jack Sparrow and some cherry flavoured lip gloss. It was lovely going in to work everyday with something sweet in my pigeonhole. It was a great success in terms of morale boosting too so I think they may well do it regularly.
Every day last week we had Secret Cupid Week. Same principle, we filled in a quick questionnaire about our likes etc, what would you take with you on a deserted island, what's your fave colour, chocolate, music, perfume etc and then put them in a box. We each then picked one and had to leave little treats for our Secret Cupid in their pigeonholes or on their desks each day.
I got some bubble bath from the Sanctuary, some red carnations, chocolates, a bar of fruit and nut, the Footprints poem, a picture of Captain Jack Sparrow and some cherry flavoured lip gloss. It was lovely going in to work everyday with something sweet in my pigeonhole. It was a great success in terms of morale boosting too so I think they may well do it regularly.
Get Well Cuppa
Tee'd Off
Roses are Red
I decoupaged the envelope, the wrapping of the bouquet with the cats hand and the roses only. Coloured in with Marvy le Plume felts and coloured pencils.
I then mounted the cat onto red metallic card which I then mounted onto a sheet of leftover red card. I also mounted the strip onto red metallic card and added some Zoomz. I then mounted the whole thing onto white cardstock.
Moo's Be Love
Rather than the traditional red, I went for a spot of fushia on this one. As I had some lovely ribbon and a great mini stamp pad by VersaColor in Peony which seemed to match quite well. The heart stamped in the background is from PSX.
I coloured the heart in with a Marvy le Plume pen and the rest is coloured pencils. Added some Zoomz to the ribbon and stopped there.
Lucious Lilac xx
The flowers, adhesive pearls and the adhesive ribbon are all from PaperMania, words by Anita. Stamp by Penny Black (Pinky Joy), coloured by me in Pencil. What a great start to my week off, I'm really pleased with the outcome. Not sure if I should add an '80' somewhere though or leave it to the inside as she might not want everyone to know and she keeps all my cards up...all year round, bless her! Send your answers on the back of a postcard, he he he xxxx
Feathered Love
A bit of blue and white gingham ribbon and a flower from PaperMania with a pale blue brad to finish. Hee Hee Hee. I love him.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Week of Love
Shopping Bella
I quite like this one so I think I might have to buy it, as you really get two stamps for the price of one here. You can mask it and use just the girl on her own or the fella on his own. Either way you have a great image. I used this one complete as it was for a joint birthday.
Added ribbon and background papers to compliment. Handwriting again, is my own.
Snips and Snails
Mounted onto green card and green ribbon added for dimension. Coloured with pencil (still one of my favourite methods of adding colour) and the writing is my own.
He's not one of my favourite stamped images, but it works quite well on this occasion. Hope you like?
Sweet 'Pea'
Handle with Care...
P.S. I love this cat as he has such a cheeky face.
The 'lips' stamped in the background are from Hampton Art and I love them so much. Perfect for backgrounds or just adding a 'kiss' after my signature on a card or the back of an envelope.
The hedgehog is... yes you guessed it, Penny Black and you will see I've left the image black and white except for the hearts which were coloured in with a pink jelly roll pen. Added some ribbon and some pink Zoomz and it's done.
Hope you like it x
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