
Sunday, June 01, 2008

Here they are...

In no particular order, here are the entries we received for the Blog Challenge:
Here is Julie's Christmas Penny Black entry:
Here is Sandra's Christmas Penny Black entry:

And here is Yvonne's Penny Black entry:

As you can see, all of the entries were really cleverly made, with innovative shapes and various different embellishments. It was lovely to see that you all rose to the challenge so well, despite, blood, sweat and tears being shed at times.
Lianne is about to make her decision... watch this space!


Julie said...

Sandra and Yvonne you've both made really great cards, we're all winners.

Fae said...

Exactly, you've all done wonderful jobs. Sadly, ther could only be one winner and I'm glad Lianne made the decision and not me. Well done Julie!

Fae xxx